Happy New Year!!!!

I wish you a year of blessings and fulfilled promises. One thing I can promise in 2014 is hope. Hope can go a long way, so does courage, hard work, love, and family.

As I enter each new year, I always look at my last year resolution. I see the shambles of uncompleted work: leftover writings and drawings from unfinished ideas, work undone that needs completing; and religious fruits that still need ripening. Most of all, I feel a faint niggling of guilt, but this only lasts for five minutes while I bravely decide to finish my projects early this year. Somehow, I know time is not waiting as I plunge ahead to new projects leaving the decay of last year's for a lucky thought, an excited glance, a fevered thought and frantic fingers that could give them life again. Toward the waning of the lights and the dawn of a new year, excitement kick in and I feel annoyance that those uncompleted tasks may get my way. Should I complete them or should I focus on this year alone? This year, my thoughts are fleeting and thinking is not a job as I try to figure this out without the weight of all things yesterday. Is not the aim of all men toward betterment? Then I can and will work toward my betterment whether with old or new ideas. I'll mingle thoughts, and set simple guidepost to succeed. Who else knows what you want most, but you alone. So I did exactly that!

Below are a few words of wisdom that I gathered for myself towards the year's end. Some have changed in definition, but direct quotes remain unchanged. These words are motivation for me and I hope they motivate you too.

Throwing the old year away: New year, new thing . The Old year will take care of itself.

What I want(religiously): I want to end the year being in love with Jesus and He in love with me.

 Work is viable: you will sweat before you eat bread until you return to the earth; for out of it you were taken. For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. (Genesis 17:19)

 Hope: If you live your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself; the dreams will come to you.(Pausch)

Encouragement: Be prepared... luck is where preparation meets opportunity.(Pausch)

Stamina: My dad always says life is not bread and butter (meaning easy- in my country, bread and butter is the cheapest food a person can buy. sometimes, you get the butter free when you buy the bread.Life its not a slap and stick thing: most times, you have to make effort.)  you cannot waddle your way through it. You must make good choices because those choices you make decides who you are to people and gives character to who you become tomorrow.

Caution: People will judge your tomorrow on what you do today.No man is an island so make your choices wisely. 

Courage: Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want something.(Pausch)

Recreation: Do not despise play time; it refreshes you like no other. Work without play makes Jack a cranky boy. 

Friendship: Love your neighbor as yourself and make yourself accessible. Smile and keep your body posture open.

Let bygones be bygones: Do not let the year end on your anger. Throw it away and resolve issues with whoever you owe a bad deed.  You do not control how people think. Make peace with people who prefer peace and be wary of those of those who flare up constantly and go on for the great blowout. 

And so on: Prize honesty above all else. And in all of this, never forget to take good care of those very special people who love you. Thank them for being in your life and show them that they are important. Most of all, give yourself time to recover and revitalize before taking on new projects. Binge on snack, veggies, fruits, but keep it healthy. Do not travel the well walked path of addiction; and if you are having strong reactions to certain types of drugs, make a resolution to decrease intake and make God your new drug. 



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