Is God Unjust?

Angry God
Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated. God said that. This verse and others showing God's love and  judgement has created a domino effect where atheists and God haters question the righteousness of God. My Pastor preached on the fairness of God this week and I am in a better position to answer your questions about the fairness of God Biblically (Romans 9).

God said of Pharoah, I have hardened his heart so that my glory will be known to the world. What shall we say then, is God unjust? Paul answers no. God is fair. God cannot be judged by our standard of fairness because He is the standard of fairness. "God is God," a friend smartly answered when I posed the question about the fairness of God on Facebook. If anyone decides whether what he does is fair, it would be Him and not you. Sin comes about when we try to make God in our image.

There is so much more to God than His love for us or His hate for sin. You are not on Extreme Weight Loss so you can't only focus on just two attributes of Jehovah because you may experience Extreme God Loss by doing so. He is most wonderful, most holy, most merciful and so much more. If his other attributes do not figure in how you view God, then you'd be just another human who is sadly mistaken about whether God should answer to you or not. If you were Job, he might actually answer your questions with some of his own. But sweetheart take a look at your life and decide who's the sinner in a conversation that won't happen since you're not Job.

In conclusion, God is the Potter and we are the clay. We can't ask why He made us like we are. What we can do instead is be glad he chose us. We can be glad that we are not paying for our sin, but that He has paid that price; that his son died for it at the price of being killed by those he came to save. So is God fair? Sure he is.



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