The Holiest Day

Because the Bible is one of my best books, I am really concerned about how people view it as well as what they see in it. This is my first blog, and I wanted you to see with me that every day is important because it is a day of our lives. Each day, we grow older, we have new experiences, and see new people. So what do we do about each of the days in which we live? Do we just celebrate days, especially important days and religious holidays without those days having any meaning to us? Think again. To the depraved, days are important. Serial killers choose special days on which to kill their victims.  Thieves have special times and days that they believe fuel their luck. Drug dealers are smart to set their meetings at days on which they seemed to have made the most profits. They are superstitious, and they are right- DAYS HAVE MEANINGS. What is your important day? Is your day like theirs, profitable but without meaning, empty? A day that leaves you with guilt, a day that haunts you? Or do you have days that you see as holy, set apart, a day for purity?

Nowadays, religious leaders try to tell us that one day is more important than the other. Worship days are set for Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The Bible, however, says that we should not argue about genealogies, days, strive about the law (Titus 3:9), nor should we esteem one day above the other. Those arguments are called unprofitable and vain. So, what about the sabbath, you say or the feast of unleavened bread? Days that God gave to the Jews has important significance for them. If you want, they can be significant for you too as we are all God's children. Christ did not say that we should remember the day he died or when he was born. What He said was " Remember my death." One man may esteem one day, and another man may esteem another day. God Himself made no day higher than the other. Because of this verse, Jehovah Witnesses do not celebrate holidays. That is their right. Jesus did honor weddings, though; he went to the temple to preach; and Christians, we celebrate holidays. The government is a Godly institution, and we must honor holidays and rest; except, of course, it is in favor of some god, then  must we abstain from celebrating it.

Common sense tells us that we have times on weekends to worship. Most people are away from other duties. But this should not stop you from being honest to yourself . If you do not feel comfortable with calling Sunday your holy day, then worship more on your chosen day. But remember, all days should be holy. God made every day equal. So, if you are holy on your holy day, be holy on every other day. When I say choose your holy day, I mean, find a day -Sunday or otherwise- to completely focus on GOD, and do everything prayerfully. When you feel that you can't concentrate on God on Sunday and you find yourself concentrating on yourself, don't force it. Go to church all the same. But find your communion day, and you will find that it is rewarding.


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